Iraq on fire
Desert on fire - BBC NewsWhy am I not surprised this has not been in the news since it started in the summer of 2016?Why am I not surprised the war in Syria is still on-going when the largest oil field in Iraq is still burning..
I wonder why? It's not still burning.
And stories lose clicks and eyeballs pretty quickly these days, sadly.
But yeah - horrific. The human damage done in that area over the last 100 years is catastrophic. Literally two days ago they were put out, about the same time the news reports started to flood out.
#controllingthemasses. Yep. Not sure the masses give a rat's ass. Miles away. Sadly it's become all too regular news. and do we need any more proof that ISIS are dickheads and war is not good? because no one gives af Now it cannot be shipped over the Turk border in exchange for arms no one gives a fudge.