Publish time 26-11-2019 03:26:38
With the greatest of respect that is not the issue at hand. Yes, what you say is correct but the thread is questioning whether sentences should be longer and by extension if so the reasons for that.
One of them (but not the sole reason) being, imo, delivering some form of justice to the people affected.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:26:38
The effect/impact on the victims is very important but other considerations must also be taken into account. I think the first consideration has to be culpability. Was it a genuine accident or was there intention/recklessness? If the former that has to be taken into account IMHO - everyone makes mistakes and if they were innocently and honestly made then a sentence should be light touch IMHO. If there was intention or recklessness though, I think the consequences of the action must come to the fore - the so-called 'one-punch' rule. Of course, in relation to this case, nobody 'accidentally' consumes alcohol and accordingly should receive the a suitably lengthy punishment.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:26:38
Unless your name is yaya toure
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:26:39
Lee Hughes -
Football star jailed for drunken crash that ended his career and a father's life
Jailed for six years, did three.
Lee Hughes, the Premiership footballer, was jailed for six years yesterday for killing a father of four in a car crash before fleeing the scene. It spells the end of his professional career.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:26:39
Just goes to show rehabilitation is not something that works in drink driving cases.
Hughes had previous for drink driving and unfortunately for the guy he killed, it's too late.
First Drink driving offence = jail.That would put a stop to it...... And if you kill due to drink driving... It should be a verylong term in prison
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:26:39
Lots of people are done for drink driving. Most don't re-offend. So it shows rehabilitation does work.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:26:39
I knew a man that got charged with DD 3 times in a Row. he is very different now. But when he went to get insurance after the bans, he nearly topped himself. It was thousands .
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:26:39
Personally I'd be in favour of two strikes and out. ie do it twice and you don't get your licence back.And that's for straight forward DD.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:26:40
His was worse, banned for DD whilst been banned for DD whilst been banned for DD. And he never got imprisoned :-( How he never killed someone is a mystery . I dont think I ever go past 1/2 a glass of wine if I am drinking .And never if its lunch time .I fall to bits if I drink during the day .
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:26:40
Did you mean "driving" ?