All vehicles will be electric by 2025, says expert
Yes I know - another 'expert'  more petrol or diesel cars, buses, or trucks will be sold anywhere in the world within eight years. The entire market for land transport will switch to electrification, leading to a collapse of oil prices and the demise of the petroleum industry as we have known it for a century.
This is the futuristic forecast by Stanford University economist Tony Seba. His report, with the deceptively bland title Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030, has gone viral in green circles and is causing spasms of anxiety in the established industries. Click to expand... This is another expert who I think should get out more. Its an interesting idea, but out here in the real world electric vehicle technology simply is not good enough or cheap enough to replace conventional vehicles in the foreseeable future. At the moment the sales of electric vehicles have to be propped up by Government subsidy so for the them to be economically viable the manufacturing costs need to fall significantly.
I can see how the forecast could be accurate in someplace like Silicon Valley, but much of the world isn't in that wealth bracket and cant even afford new conventional cars let alone electric ones.
So sorry Greens, come back in about 50 years..
The end of petrol and diesel cars? All vehicles will be electric by 2025, says expert See near identical thread in Motoring.
By 2025, all new vehicles will be electric