The Philippines War Against Islamic State
Nothing to see here.....Explainer: how and why Islamic State-linked rebels took over part of a Philippine city I really like Duterte he doesn't mess around and wears his heart on his sleeve.
His war against drug addicts to clean up the country should be noted by other world leaders if they want to crack down on drugs. Can you imagine TM telling someone to cap a drug peddler if they catch them in the act  If true then this sits uncomfortably with me. Whilst I do get a tough stance is required, allowing civilians and police to execute suspects, encouraging military and rivalling militant fractions not only to rape but do one extra on him, nope this is not right, not right at all. He advocates the vigilante murder of drug addicts. Addiction is an illness, a health matter, not a criminal matter.How can you seriously support that? Taking drugs is degenerate. A bullet is cheaper than long term medical care and besides take out the addicts = less customers for the dealers. and who decides what is moral and classifies behaviour into acceptable and degenerate?Some say homosexuality is degenerate, do you want to shoot gays too because conversion therapy doesn't work?
I like to think I'm open minded but when I read stuff like this, I just don't know where to start. Don't feed him ... if he wants to sing the praises of a street children murderer with a sideline in rape jokes let him - probably another of his Roger Lloyd-Pack attempts It was my displeasure recently to listen to a Philipino health care worker at a local hospital who sang Dutertes praises.I say displeasure because he himself was quite pleasant, friendly and did his job well .I just struggled with reconciling those with thehideous comments he made I think the most feared when he declared such law is it can be abuse.