paulr Publish time 26-11-2019 03:08:47

A high rise flat with poor people is a ghetto.
A high rise flat with rich people are luxury apartments.

pragmatic Publish time 26-11-2019 03:08:47

Speaking to a friend over the weekend he's looking to move to another capital, as he loves living in London but the cost of rising rents mean moving further out and into somewhere/an area he'd rather not.Up until then I'd not considered how much an effect this is having on professionals on decent salaries.

The cost of housing will start to hurt talent in London, and with that the long term economy is at risk.
Wages in London are already much higher than elsewhere and I can't see it rising to keep pace with rents and people are already living in cramped accommodation, and HMO's like a student well into 30/40's as owning a home gets even further away than renting does.

In effect the housing prices is starting to go to an extent that even the status quo is not tenable, and people are looking internationally when they have the skills, and probably nationally where they can't do that. London if it continues down this path will be entirely migrants living in hutches and sheds (like Hounslow right now) and pockets of old wealth in what will become progressively gated communities or the odd posh block flats.

paulr Publish time 26-11-2019 03:08:47

This is what i dont get. Hackney is one of the UK's most deprived areas, so how can people afford to live in 500k homes

FairyFeller Publish time 26-11-2019 03:08:47

Apparently London answer to housing is this below and good for the Mayor of London for condemning the measure.   


la gran siete Publish time 26-11-2019 03:08:48

because people with money are moving into those areas as they did in Clapham Balham and Wandsworth all those years ago

la gran siete Publish time 26-11-2019 03:08:48

that is atrocious

sidicks Publish time 26-11-2019 03:08:48

Unfortunately homelessness it is a problem partially caused by a lack of house building and uncontrolled immigration combined with landlords buying up property thereby increasing prices....

Not sure people want to acknowledge the above though...

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 03:08:48

I wonder how long those spikes will last when someone trips and hurts themselves and sues the pants off whoever installed them?

pragmatic Publish time 26-11-2019 03:08:49

I heard it said that they were put in place to stop people peeing in the alcove, but I doubt we'll ever know.
I've also read that as a homeless person these spikes can mean that with some sturdy cardboard or some wood it mean you can get off the ground which is colder and have a better nights sleep.

What I have noticed is the hilarious scene of southwark council going around dismantling park benches with arms and replacing them with ones without, although it could just be an extremely timely coincidence 

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:08:49

I've heard similar from a homeless charity rep on the radio.

Oh dear.

New Spikes Forced Man from Sheltering Outside Labour HQ - Guy Fawkes' blog
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