I didn't read the article but I do hope it does cover everyone paid by the government; i.e. Civil servant pensions as well. Yes, I believe that Public Sector pensions are linked to state retirement age, so a bit more money saved for the taxpayer thankfully. Yes, it will impact most although some get immediate pensions on retirement whenever that maybe. For example I am in receipt of an immediate Armed Forces pension (and have been ever since leaving) even though I am a long way below State retirement age.
Nevertheless don't worry dejongj - the vast majority of poorest Civil Servants will indeed be disadvantaged by this measure with both their main pensions and their state pension being affected. Nope.But you can bet that, giving the addicting to spending (and not saving) that many have in this country, they'll be millions that will be.
I'm hoping that I won't have to rely on it.Will class it as extra pocket money, when/if the time comes. Funny how there was a General Election just a few weeks ago and this never came up. Did you actually read it?
Increases have slowed (not stopped) so that every 10 years women's life expectancy will increase by a year, with 6 years for men's life expectancy to increase by a year.
So by the time this measure to increase pension age is introduced, women will be living 2 years longer than now, and men 3.3 years longer.
Puts increasing pension age by 1 year into context. Could be wrong as there are lots of variables, but it seems to be around £122 a week now and Osbourne said it would be £155 by 2021. Not very much if, you are renting and have to fork out say £900 / month!