Member 581642 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:02:12

We import and export from outside the EU and the majority of items have duty imposed either way. The rate varies and some are zero .

However not sure what the point is .

Lin3ar Publish time 26-11-2019 03:02:13

The point is that it is being implied everything will have a 10% tariff and trade will cease.

It's complete nonsense.

The Dude Publish time 26-11-2019 03:02:14

"Would you be happy with an 18 year old Prime Minister "

William Pitt was only 25 and seen as a great PM

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 03:02:15

Not by me but the majority of item outside the eu in and out do have a tariff

Member 581642 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:02:15

to be fair that was quuuuite a long time ago, and you didn't actually answer my question 

Derder6000 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:02:17

This is a good article about it.

After the referendum, the ugly scourge of ageism

z5461313 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:02:18

I think it stems from the media, most of those people I have seen on their who've blatantly come out and said stuff like ' I wanted to vote out because I am sick of immigrants, it's about time we look after our own' were older voters. Is that indicative of all of the older people who voted leave, of course not. But media perception is powerful, and I think people will go straight along with it because it fits their narrative.

If we had stayed in, I imagine their would be a lot of hatred towards those who are younger. Students etc, I imagine would bear the brunt of the hatred. Already seen quite a bit of that kicking around already though.

Hatred, ultimately appears to, unite us all!

Ruperts slippers Publish time 26-11-2019 03:02:19

So Nissan for example they build loads of cars in Newcastle and employ loads and loads of people

When we leave the EU their costs could go up 10% now because of trade tariffs

They can meet that cost, but how? Will they cut 10% of their work force and all the knock on factors to local business in the area will dwindle by 10%?

Or will the cut be more?

Then say I'm Ford and I want to build a new factory. I'll ask Nissan how's it going in England and they will say it was ok but now we have higher costs so its not as good as it was before.

Ford will look at Europe and see many locations to build a factory with supporting infrastructure and they'll see the extra 10% cost is not there. They will think that's too good to be true, and will build their new factory in Europe

That is just one example

Its the same with the City of London where England gets a lot of its income and if those people there, can't access the single market their trading is going to stop

We give the EU 10 billion a year and there are EU departments that get tenders in from companies for research work and allocate money to them to help perform the research

The 4G mobile technology was researched by companies like BT, and money was given to them from the EU to help cost the research. This helped speed along and to push forward the technology as without the money, the research would be slower

This allocation of EU money to sponsor English companies could also stop when we leave the EU

Whats coming next 5G? Yes would be nice so we want companies to be assisted in researching these great new technologies, not impeded. What about the space station, are we out of that also?

Easy Jet need permission to fly to European Cities. Will they still be allowed to do it when we are out of the EU? Who knows. Cheap flights?

Projects in Europe who need a Telecoms specialist, do not have to consider BT when we are out of the EU, there are European experts in this area and it says that these will be considered first

It all indicates to projects and markets declining and that means more unemployment and more cost to the government, which will mean more cuts and that is defined as another recession and pain for the people involved all around

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:02:20

I voted out and do not regret it at all, I live in Calderdale, in the north, I run 2 businesses and the order books are full until Nov, with work been turned away daily, so it's rather annoying to be described as a peasant racist knuckle dragger by the media.. The EU is a fiscally bankrupt unelected body entangled in red tape, inflexibility and corruption.. And this vote may shock the EU into a much needed change..
The vote has revealed a disparity between the younger idealist Uni educated and the older realistic weathered generations some of whom also attended uni..
The UK has always been a great trading nation it's what we are built on, it's what made this country the 2nd biggest economy in the EU and the 5th largest in the world, it's rather disappointing to see the remain voters along with the media pouring over every minute detail, waiting and willing the country into some apocalyptic collapse..
Because if it does collapse, it will have to be rebuilt off the backbone of these whiney young people we have produced in our academic halls, of which I don't hold much credence given the out pouring and image on social media..

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:02:20

If they didn't fight they went through wars or rationing. Are you saying a large demographic of this country shouldn't be respected? As this is what it's about. They might not all have voted the way some people wanted, but I consider them entitled to a view like anyone else.
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