Why do these silly bints have blue hair anyway? Ah well, when they pretend they have won when they haven't. When they promise unicorns to everyone when they clearly can't deliver. When they want to bring in policy that benefit the rich only Who is really surprised about creating a few fake voters. They are truly out of touch with reality. If you are going to look into Student voting, then you need to look at postal voting as well. All the parties are alleged to be up to their necks in it. Not only did the scoundrels vote twice
but bought up copies of The Sun and burned them on polling day
Some Corbyn supporters are burning copies of the Daily Mail and The Sun on election day How stupid are they? Murdoch etc has still got the money whatever you do once you've bought it. Maybe he's just a fan of Logan's Run (the movie)? Tut  All that CO2 they're releasing. You're inadvertently on to something. Cull all sun and mail readers over 30. It will massively reduce CO2 emissions and instantly raise the country's average intelligence, all the while giving younger readers every chance to redeem themselves! When we were young we thought we knew everything.
Now we're old we know we knew nothing. Was it Confucius who said that boys who lean on walls, clean walls? Come to think some more about it, it may have been our biology teacher actually.