President Trump - Supreme Leader of The USA
General Discussion of news, past and present and General happenings related to the POTUS.
Trump Arpaio: Top Republican Paul Ryan condemns pardon for sheriff - BBC News
President Donald J. Trump
The Trumps Bow Out. Will Future Presidents Attend the Kennedy Center Honors? Republican party and their globalists partners resume control over the presidency. @Marv, you posted essentially the same "list" back in July, please try to avoid too much repetition, thanks. and nothing of any significance has been achieved since july in all fairness. Last Thursday's Weekend Update Summer Edition ... Absolutely brilliant. Thanks Washington post.  Aw yiiiss it begins,
US hands out first contracts for border wall prototypes - BBC News I hope the US taxpayer looks forward to getting what they'll be paying for. Er.....WRONG. Mexico are paying. Big time. Definitely.