raduv1 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:42:57

America First

Hi all , don't delve to much into the P&E section as a lot smarter peeps than I with more understanding of the finer points of the political animal are here to fill in my many blanks.

So I ask is this America First administration actually harmful to America itself internally and on the world stage ?

From outside looking in ( for myself ) the administration policy is targeted for that minority base audience whilst completely ignoring the wider US population and indeed the world.

I'll pick up on one point , two countries do not agree ( one pulling out ) on the Paris Climate Accord.The US ( now ) and Syria . That says a lot to me how far down on the world stage the US has fallen .

Wow managed to get through the OP without one mention of Trump ......... oh bugger me .

So over to you dudes and dudets to discuss.

rustybin Publish time 26-11-2019 02:42:58

America First is an absolutely ridiculous policy which makes no sense at all.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:42:59

"P&E. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi

raduv1 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:42:59

“I find your lack of faith disturbing.” —

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 02:42:59

It is said that "America First Policies is a non-profit organization supporting key policy initiatives that will work for all citizens in our country and put America first". It was initiated by a group of Trump's aids who got together to push forward Trump's agenda.

The problem is that 'America First' is causing disruption and proving frustrating to many US senior players who are trying to promote USA agenda in a positive way, especially overseas. It's causing a radical shift in US foreign policy and generating much criticism.

However, Trump was elected on 'America First' policy and he is rolling out his promises with the help of his aids. Basically he is putting America first and the trade off is worldwide laughter and derision (so it seems in the media).

raduv1 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:42:59

From the outside all I see is China / Russia taking full advantage politically and economically of this America First policy ATM. They both now seem to be the bigger players on the world stage than the US . That in itself is a worrying prospect and trend.

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 02:42:59

It's a change.

China and Russia have been big players for many years. The difference is they are using their industrial and economic muscle on the word stage in a less communistic fashion, so they are now in manufacturing and buying/selling goods to democratic countries. This aspect is making them rich in assets.

In other words more competitive and less combative.

The US of A, rather than facing the challenge out on the world stage, is looking more and more inward and 'America First' is the result, hence the radical change in foreign policy.

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 02:43:00

I think we are seeing something similar in Britain. There are frequent calls to stop our involvement in wars overseas and the cutting of international aid.We don't say Britain First but many on the left and right would like us to concentrate on our our internal problems, rather than some far off country.

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:43:00

It's a major mistake that will not only effect those countries following an insular 'us first' set of policies, but also will have a negative effect on everyone else to lesser and greater degrees.

Up until 160 years ago, if you were traveling from Manchester to London it would take on average 5 to 6 days.
Up to about 120 years ago, the fastest way to send a message from London to Australia took over 2 months.
It is only around 85 years ago that the early exploratory flights traveled from London to Australia in a record breaking 25 days.

What is 'far away' is a very relative term.

The Chernobyl incident left some British farmers still restricted from moving their sheep for 26 years until 2012 when the final restrictions for Wales and Cumbria we finally lifted.
That's something that happened 1,300 miles away, in a 'far away' country.

With the advancement of technology and the resources and materials it demands, along with the increasing demands for food, goods, fuel other items, few if any countries, especially those in the first world can afford to not pay serious attention to what is going on around the globe.

We are now in a position that we effect and are effected by each other internationally at levels economically, environmentally and stability wise that are too significant to ignore.
The point at which we could dismiss things happening in other countries as 'far away' has passed.

Greg Hook Publish time 26-11-2019 02:43:00

I wouldn’t make that assumption. Read a few threads in P&E and you will soon think you are a genius compared to what you see being posted. 
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