White House declares North Korea a "sponsor of terror"
Is there any real sanity to this, or is it irony...US declares N Korea 'sponsor of terror'
Iran, Sudan and Syria are also designated by the U.S. as state sponsors of terror, tho Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar seem to be somewhat missing 
Meanwhile, the US Government has spent over $2 Billion on arming and funding ISIS, but this is not terrorism, it's conducting business and geopolitics.
Am I missing something... Yes. A bit of common sense and a few facts. Care to elaborate on common sense and which facts ? The common sense you either have or you don't.
As for the facts, I'm not aware of Israel sponsoring any terrorist organisation. much spycraft with them, fudgeed up with agent Patel burned the other week Mossad are not terrorists. Jundallah OK I'll bite? Always deflecting the answer, what is this common sense I must not have then ?
Is North Korea really deserving of more sanctions, which benefits who ?  It was a straightforward answer. As for North Korea. they deserve all the sanctions they get, a complete pariah state.