This made my mind up !!
If you haven't decided yet who to vote for perhaps this is more than enough to make your mind up.!Katie Hopkins says she will leave the country if Ed Miliband becomes PM - Mirror Online Funny, my step Dad same the same thing the other night.
Suspect there are a lot more that would like to do the same. Just so long as they come nowhere near me! Sorry Bishi - totally lost as the Mirror article used words of more than two syllables.  Quiz time.What do the words in bold in Alan's quote all have in common?(unlike any of the words in my bit!) We've had this before, haven't we.
Every election we get someone saying this - I can't remember anyone actually doing it.
Steve W On thisoccasion however, in the unlikely event that Milliband gets a majority, I think the public should insist she keeps to her word.! There must be opportunities for her in Syria? Paul Daniels didn't leave.  Katie Hopkins And Simon Danczuk Clash On Twitter Over Rochdale Child Grooming
Katie Hopkins reported to police for alleged race hate in tweets about Pakistani men - Celebrity news - News - London Evening Standard
Mr Danczuk told the Guardian he had reported her to Greater Manchester Police for alleged incitement of racial hatred.
I might report Diane Abbott next time she opens her mouth with some more of her racialism.
And here is Simon.
I watch porn, says Labour MP Simon Danczuk - Telegraph
His phone accidentally logged onto porn but he watches it anyway.
And this is his constituency.
Rochdale grooming: 'Shocking' failure over sex abuse - BBC News
Syria border arrests: Seized Briton is son of councillor - BBC News
Briton Held On Syria Border Is Councillor's Son
Why doesn't the Labour MP worry more about his own constituency and party?
Rather than report her to police perhaps he should be quicker off the mark on his Rochdale Safeguarding Children Board.