George Galloway - This is quality, please share....
A must watch!!!MOD COMMENT NSFW: MUCH SWEARING... VIDEO: George Galloway's 'I Don't Want Your F*cking Vote' Rant at Constituent
He is notorious for having low parliamentary attendance once elected as an MP. No wonder his constituent is angry. He is a disgusting low life, quite possibly a traitor too. Love him . he is far more honest than half the so called "Lords and ladies "Met him a few times and yes, he can start a argument in a empty room. But he has done well for himselfand has been into situations that have allowedhim a better insight than most . He just does not "tow the Line" He tows his own line and makes friends with Dictators  Ha, George is pure quality entertainment. A worthless scumbag, who filled his pockets with Saddams money.A man who would suck anyone's appendage for a vote. Even the SNP dont want him. Based on what? Can't say I'm a fan of all he says or stands for but he has more balls than every politician I've seen in recent history.
I believe the saddam money thing was BS IIRC.
I still remember his speech In front of the US senate , he was magnificent. An old-fashion politician with a strong belief in his own socialist agenda which he pursues relentlessly and without regard to party rules or politics.
A political maverick.