Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:57
It has shown them to be two-faced, devious and out of touch. They don't look anything but weak on this issue now. Am I the only one who sees it this way?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:57
Not sure why others playing dumb, but also, you shouldn't be surprised by this kind of thing anymore.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:57
With the best will in the world, it's a bit obvious they screwed up on this one and have decided to go with the "of course we just meant people could choose" route.
Th Secretary of Education was suggesting today that only failing schools need to be acadamised as if that was their intention all along.
I would respect them much more if they had really changed their minds.
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:57
AFIAK there is the core National Curriculum and then some subjects and activities that schools like academies can or could apply excemptions such as for RE where academies with a religious designation can choose to teach only about their own religion.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:57
Academies are about private education companies being able to buy public land on the cheap, the model doesn't work as proven by other countries and the results we have seen from some disastrous experiments so far.
Member 581642
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:58
My understanding is that in the academy system the academy doesn't usually own the land or buildings this is retained by the local authority (if they own then already) Usually on a 125 year lease with the LA acting as landlord . So not sure your assertion can be true
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:58
Seriously, the loaded language gets boring.
Member 581642
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:58
They made a mistake , they found out, they changed it, they spun it .
Quite like that really except for the spin bit but we are talking politics so can live with that
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:58
Are you involved in education at all, as a parent, teacher or governor?
Member 581642
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:22:59
Yes, I am chair of a Educational CIC . I am also a parent . Though I hope you are not saying that if I wasn't I can't have an opinion