Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:20

I thought for a moment there you said "no skilled teachers".........

nheather Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:20

Oh don't get me wrong, the low/no skilled migrants aren't doing anything wrong, and I don't blame them one bit.

The fact of the matter, the UK is the ones of the best, if not the best, countries in the EU to live in if you are low-skilled or unskilled.

The government subsidises low-skilled and unskilled jobs with low taxes and benefits.And if you are unable or don't want to work the UK will provide a reasonable lifestyle if you know how to play the game.I say 'if you know how to play the game' because I am also aware and have seen injustice.Examples where skivers who know how to milk the system can live comfortably without lifting a finger whilst others are on the streets begging.I still don't understand how that happens and it sickens me.

But yes, we have too many unskilled and low-skilled workers be they UK nationals or migrants and the balance is only getting worse.

We need to get into position where migration supports skills and expertise that the countries need and fill the unskilled and low-skilled jobs with people already living in the UK and getting away with doing nothing.



marcd5123 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:21

Their is nothing wrong with the NHS simple
To many people living in this country now and it can't cope!!!!

nheather Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:22

My latest experience at East Surrey Hospital.

Saw a consultant last week.He said he would book me in for some more tests.I told him to avoid the 24th November as I am away for the weekend but any other time is fine.

Letter arrived yesterday morning - your appointment is on 24th November.

Interestingly, it said your rescheduled appointment is on 24th November - since this is the first attempt how is it rescheduled - methinks some tinkering with the system to frig the service level performance.

Okay so that needs to be changed so I read on to find out how to do that.The letter is full of passive-aggressive tones clearly establishing patients as the bad guys.Stating how failure to turn up to appointments costs the NHS £160 (I'd like to know how exactly, but that is the subject of another debate).

Reading on to the end - no there are no instructions on what to do if the date isn't suitable.

So ring the number at the top, it is from Outpatient Appointments so that is the option I select.I'm 13th in the queue, wait nearly 20 minutes and then get to speak to someone.Guess what, they need to put me through to another department.Phone rings for a while, no answer and then cuts off.

Ring the Outpatient Appointments number again, 11th in the queue this time, an improvement, still about a 15 minute wait though.I explain what happened, ask if I can have the direct number but they say "NO", and put me through.It isn't answered again but this time goes through to answer phone, leave a message to ring me.

Wait the rest of the day, no one rings.

So onto Outpatient Appoints again, another 15 minute wait.This time I explain that I'm getting fed up with this so they say they will send an email.

Wit until this afternoon, still not heard anything so go through the palaver again.Leave a message this time calmly explaining that I have left a message and an email but nothing.

Beryl rings me back (I don't know her name but she sounded like a Beryl).No email received, not my message this morning - there was no one in yesterday.But clearly still ignored it until I left the more irritated message.

Anyway explained that although I had said to avoid the 24th November I had been given that date.She tells me that they are very busy but a man has been trying to contact them to cancel his appointment so she will book me into that one.But then she can't find his details.Tells me earliest is 8th Jan, but will put me on the cancellation list and will ring me next Tuesday if there have been any.I clearly sound puzzled why she is leaving it to next Tuesday so she explains "I only work on Tuesdays".

So that is one example why the NHS is in a mess.

1 - they don't listen to patients in the first place so create problems that need resolving
2 - they use passive aggressive language and assume that patients are the bad guys, establishing a 'them and us' culture
3 - their communication is shocking
4 - they use nurses to book appointments whilst their administrators appear to sit around doing nothing
5 - they let staff have one day a week contracts - how inefficient - what a waste of money



IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:23


Please come fasted. Your appointment is at 10:30am, if you are diabetic ring us us to discuss.

Me (a diabetic) :
Rings, receptionist answers, we discuss and I say I'm fine fasting until 10:30am.

Her: that's fine, we just need to put that in case people can't fast that long, look forward to seeing you.

2 minutes...

nheather Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:24

That's more like it - though one observation - is the receptionist qualified to discuss medical questions and give advice.

But still good though.I would have liked to think that when I got through to the Outpatients Appointments who asked for my casenote number, could simply have triggered a reschedule on the system, rather than the palaver of repeatedly sending me round the houses.



IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:25

She didn't give advice.She asked me whether my particular form of Diabetes meant I couldn't fast until 10:30am.I assured her it wasn't an issue.

Nice try though 

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:26

Not that but dodgy GPs, you seen that documentary followinga lady GP (yeah they have them now) that just finished on the lefty liberal BBC tonight. What a disgrace people like Dr Foster are! First they gave them the vote ...

GarryF Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:26

One evening we notice our 6 year old daughters wrist is swollen, movement is quite restricted. call the gp next day wait a few days and gp looks at it, sends us up to local hospital for xray. xray done they say consultantisn't in, we'll call in morning when he reviews the image.

Duly next day we get a call, xray review nothing wrong. Back to GP, he agrees there's clearly something wrong as the wrist is very swollen at this stage but as xray is clear he can refer us to consultant but expect to wait some months.

So given the choice of waiting several months with a wrist that now can't move, we go bupa (queue jump) and see a consultant 90 mins drive away. I request the xrays so that she doesn't have to get blasted again, hospital refuses. She gets blasted again.

We enter room with consultant, he angrily asks why we haven't been to A&E, says there is evidence of trauma. we tell our story, he winds his neck in but says he'll get the original xrays and tells us he'll meet a few days later at childrens hospital back on nhs.

He duly does, and in the meantime figures out she has Juvenile arthritis. He also says he got the original xrays and apologises as the trauma was visible on them too.

At this point the hospital was pretty good, but to me the NHS is a lottery, there are lots of good staff stuck in a mad system that messes up a lot. Even now you can't get through to change appointments on the phone line, we have to go back door via the specialist nurse on email who is great but I feel bad wasting her time.

I can also mention how my mother died at 58 in 2001 after going to gp for a year and being fobbed off before a student doctor figured out it was gist cancer, but bit late, she lasted 9 weeks

How about tony blair being shocked that you couldn't book an appointment more that 48 hours in advance, their promise that no one would wait more than 2 days was met by the genius solution of banning any appointments beyond 2 days, you can't make this stuff up and it must go on all the time in the nhs, perverted solutions to meet artificial targets

A really big simple change would be to charge to see GP's, sure refund it to people on benefits. Carrier bad usage has dropped 95% since a trivial 5p charge was introduced, this is basic human nature in action, give something for free and people abuse it

Oh and 1 time we had to use medical abroad was in berlin in 2001, wife had gum infection, made call, was sent somewhere, seen in an hour, digital xrays (in 2001) and it really put uk to shame, I hear similar stories about family in france, you need a doctor you get to see one in a few days, always.

NHS is a shambolic sacred cow, figure out what France and Germany are doing so well and copy it

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:26

Much of Surrey NHSs are run by Virgin care has a huge presence along with Social enterprises such as CSH Surrey or First Community Health. I doubt anyone's health orcare journey would be complete NHS in Surrey.

Much older demographic this due to more retired people coming into Wales purchasing cheaper property to maintain some resemblance of retirement they had worked hard for, cannot blame them, however, with age comes increasing chances ofdeclining health.Something Barnett formula dose not;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
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