Is it time for more Whole life sentences ?
This case,if theses two were given it in the first place,just maybe this poor woman would be alive today ? :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7'Evil' burning body murder pair jailed
Burning car killer 'beyond rehabilitation' There's no doubt she'd still be alive if they had originally been given whole life terms, unless you believe in the 'its your time' mumbo jumbo.
Although it's no deterrent, it's an effective punishment that keeps the public safe from evil scum like this. im all for it.
The only fly in the ointment for me, is the cost of keeping these scum under lock and key and allowing them to live.... Significantly cheaper than the death penalty and just as effective. If we are going to have whole life sentences then we are going to have to build new prisons designed to house people who have been given a whole life sentence. I don't think you can stick them in prisons with prisoners serving lighter sentences etc.
As for the death penalty ? It's not that effective at deterring serious crimes, it's also vengeance not justice. Plus it's an escape for the person being executed from a life time behind bars.
Though the question to ask is what merits a whole life sentence ? It's one that has to be answered to limit challenges in the courts. Also the sentences have to be carried out in a way that doesn't amount to cruel and unusual punishment. As that can lead to a law being deemed unsafe. The very short answer is yes.
It needs to be defined what merits whole life, and then it needs to be applied rigorously.As there is no hope of release, there is no point in any rehabilitation, so this should be a pretty tough regime/punishment, on top of the permanent loss of liberty. Bring back hanging. Interesting, I though a year in prison is approximately £35K per prisoner. Why would a death penalty be more expensive? If its more expensive to kill someone than it is to house them for 50 years or more. The gov needs to come up with a cheaper way to carry out an execution. They already have, letting them die of old age.