Faked assassination...
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44307611So the original reports of this 'journalists' murder which the ukranian governmentt accused russia of committingare now being claimed to be an elaborate sting,
Too many lies going on for my liking and any credibility of any genuine alleged or real russian interference will be ignored....
Have these people never heard of the boy that cried wolf There's certainly a whiff about the story, mainly because at this point its not obvious how staging a fake hit 'exposed the people behind the plot' as has been claimed... I can only guess Ukranian intelligence were monitoring the plotters's comms and waiting for a 'tora tora tora' message back to his/her russian handlers?
It'll be interesting to see what further details come out. It would of been a good sting if it stung ,I'm afraid the Ukraine stung itself with this sting and a total PR disaster with this stunt . Putin must be rubbing his hands and will use this one for a while on the fake news anti Russian front. Probably just a stunt,kind odd just before the world cup starts 