Ireland referendum: Yes or No
Bit surprised there wasn’t a discussion ongoing already.So will Ireland drag itself into the 21st century, or not?
I must admit that I’m absolutely gobsmacked that abortion is still illegal. Anyway, looks like it will be a close call.
Will they respect the will of the people? I thought this was going to be about a reunited Ireland from the title.
Although if it was my answer would be the same to both questions. A resounding yes. The abortion thing is about keeping control of people.
I really hope it is YES! I was just watching a discussion on channel 4 and I must admit the arguments for No are 100% alien to me. It seems that their personal experiences need to be impressed on anyone else.
To me it is like I’m watching some kind of history documentary.
It would be awesome to hear from someone who is one the no side as to why they don’t want to give people choice? We, in the UK find difficultly in understanding the Irish position.
Its like the gun laws in the US. I just don't get it.... The British, N Ireland position is almost as archaic as the Ireland position.
Abortion in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia And both are more divided than us.
Having said that, the UK is more divided than many of us realise. When I last visited a termination clinic, I'd estimate 50% were women losing a baby and 50% young girls not wanting one.It was very poignant...
Never resented those girls choosing not to have their ones as we lost ours though. :hug: Thanks 
It was many years ago, but still plucks the heart strings when people want to impose a pregnancy on a woman.