U.S. withdraws $300m in aid to Pakistan
The US, after many threats to withdraw aid, has finally done so.All aid is supposed to improve security and development. If this is not working, then the money should be stopped. In this particular case the aid was for security.
Should Britain follow suit?
“Due to a lack of Pakistani decisive actions in support of the South Asia Strategy the remaining $300 (million) was reprogrammed,” Pentagon spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Kone Faulkner said.
Faulkner said the Pentagon aimed to spend the $300 million on “other urgent priorities” if approved by Congress. He said another $500 million in CSF was stripped by Congress from Pakistan earlier this year, to bring the total withheld to $800 million.
U.S. military withdraws $300 million in aid to Pakistan Trump is certainly on a role - first UNRWA and now Pakistan. More popular policies that will help his reelection.
And yes the UK should definitely follow. Trump knows he is going down and is dragging everything down with him although in this case there are other factors within Pakistan. Simple metrics , the all hailed GOPtax reform for the US is a complete fudge and they gotta pay for this fudge up some how . Even US civil servants will not get a pay increase in 2019 for this very reason . MAGA for the rich, powefull and privalighed only . ARRRRRRRRRRGH!
Amazon pop up ads on almost every thread! It's not often I agree with Trump, but I find it hard to see why a country with a nuclear program needs foreign aid.
I don't envy Imran Khan trying to improve things with a military he has no control over, it's just not cricket. I think it's to buy their loyalty and to try and keep moderates in power. I'm amazed the US give anything. US's biggest enemy and he was happily living in Pakistan down the road from a military base.
Allegations of support system in Pakistan for Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia
It was decided that any effort to work with the Pakistanis could jeopardize the mission. They might alert the targets. And they stupidly supported the worse corrupt ultra-conservative Bhutto/Sharif regimes more than the liberal moderate (unelected) Musharraf. Don't see Jemima's ex being any better.
Never had an elected moderate. Still don't. Pakistan 'probably' knew where Osama bin Laden was hiding
How much we gave.
UK spending on foreign aid
Last year was the fourth year running the government hit its 0.7% spending target, contributing a total of £13.3bn to the international aid budget. For that, we could increase NHS spending by 10% or more than double the police budget. Foreign Aid - taking money from poor people in rich countries and giving it to rich people in poor countries.