tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 01:46:31

The scale of homelessness and Death rates.

This report has prompted the Office For National statistics to conduct it's own study and will likely make a report in December -

“A national scandal”: 449 people died homeless in the last year
Deaths - Dying Homeless: Counting the deaths of homeless people across the UK

So what can be done ?
1. Build more social housing and truly affordable properties to buy that are suitable for what people need.
2. Charge tax on vacant properties. They are no use to anyone other than those who only buy properties for the land value as an investment, often being overseas buyers. It's artificially inflated prices.   
3. Spend more on helping people with addiction problems (which will include looking at current drug laws and changing them where needed). I know at least one person from School whose managed to get into recovery from her drug addiction and is doing well. One or two others have died.
4. Ensure there is parity between Physical and Mental Health.
5. Don't pretend this isn't a problem as homelessness can happen to
any of us.

I know some simply won't want social housing to increase or the building of houses that are cheaper to buy, given it would likely drive down property prices and private rental values. There will come a point that if we do nothing, people will not be able to afford to rent let alone buy, and we might well see homelessness rise even further. The first signs of that are starting to show.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 01:46:32

It’s an incredibly complex issue with no silver bullet solution unfortunately. And I agree it is sadly very common. And not just in the U.K., France also got huge issues and even in Silicon Valley there are massive issues with this.

I’ve got no answers unfortunately as in my experience all cases are different. And I totally agree it can happen to anyone. And what deeply saddens me is that children teenagers are affected as well.

Whilst we do our bit what we can with direct action, I can’t begin to think how to resolve the hugely complex issue and individual reasons.

domtheone Publish time 26-11-2019 01:46:33

6.Control rampant population increases.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:46:33

7. Curb migration. There's an influx the equivalent of the size of a city year on year. It's less obvious as it lead to huge multiple occupancy. It pushed housing beyond the reach of ordinary people as it's better for a landlord to convert a two bedroom house to a six bedroom and rent out to six.

lucasisking Publish time 26-11-2019 01:46:33

The US has a massive homelessness problem especially California.Not surprised really given the cost of living there, heavy taxation, and the huge amount of immigration into the state which must surely stretch the welfare budget beyond breaking point.It's being said that the middle classes are fleeing to neighbouring states leaving a huge rich/poor gap.In LA I saw homeless folk everywhere I went.

Saddest thing was when I passed a homeless military veteran in San Diego (Gave him a few dollars since no-one else was).Guy fought for his country and is sleeping rough .

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 01:46:34

Indeed and when people in California on six figure salaries are sleeping in their car or couch surfing with friends what chance do people without a good job have.

maddy Publish time 26-11-2019 01:46:34

8. Accept that, unfortunately, some people are beyond the capabilities of the state to help them.

Rocinate Publish time 26-11-2019 01:46:34

9. You are more likely to homeless if you have been member of the armed forces, your country does not need you anymore.

domtheone Publish time 26-11-2019 01:46:34

When i stayed out with a friend in Colorado recently, he said the population (Colorado) had boomed massively over the last 10 years.The place is so vast that, it still doesn't feel crowded.Many of those peeps he said had come from California.Fed up with the cost of living etc.

As you said, a 6 figure salary and you still can't live to a decent standard.

Honestly, it's like half of the world needs a MASSIVE (seriously 70,80,90%) housing crash/reset and to start again.

tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 01:46:35

Population ? It's a mixed picture -
Births in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics

First of all you have to see where those people go. In some cases it will be directly into modern slavery or sex trafficking.

The lack of housing is a consequence of three things -
1. How the immigrants are spread out across the country i.e. affluent areas don't see as much as the poorest areas so pressure on housing and other services gets loaded onto areas with the least amount of resources to cope which causes discontent and anger.
2. Thatchers right to buy policy that banned councils from replenishing housing stock. If they'd been allowed to build new social housing then I doubt we'd be in such a pickle now. Demand from all areas outstrips supply of all types of housing. We are in danger of the entire housing sector crashing. Increasing supply is the only solution as far as I can see it and will cost us all.
3. The buy to Let landlord boom which has lead to even more former local authority housing being turned into houses of multiple occupation. It's particularly acute in Oxford due to having two Universities on top of the usual immigration pressures. I'm fairly sure that when I have to leave home, I'll have to move out of Oxford.

8.b> Do not use 8. as an excuse to do nothing because a few will slip the net no matter what you do. Help as many as you can and mitigate the damage caused by those who you can't help as best you can.

9.b> Honour the Military covenant or repeal and replace it with something that guarantees current and former members of the armed services get access to specialist care when needed (and supported housing). Which should come out of the MOD's budget and not other departments unless it makes sense i.e. cost effective so that military and civvies benefit equally from a particular service.

The world Economy needs a reset, capitalism in it's current form is not helping the majority of the global population. And when inequality becomes too great that's when revolutions tend to happen. Which we could be in now for all we know i.e. Trump, Brexit and other populist movements around the world.
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