Headed to New Zealand? Prepare to unlock your phone at Customs
This reminds me of how they are sneaking drugs through the back door, using a country who we hear virtually nothing about, O Canada..So New Zealand is the test bed here for this.Prepare to unlock your phone at Customs in New Zealand | ExpressVPN The same thing was said a couple of years ago regarding Customs in the USA wanting your passwords etc. Reading further it said you will only have your phone checked if you are suspected of a crime. Suspected of a crime..so basically anybody again lol. Correct.
I was waiting for someone to add that  So last year NZ customs looked at 537 phones out of 14 million travellers - that’s 0.004%.
I reckon you have got to have reached the point where you have been stopped under very suspicious circumstances before they will want to look at your phone.
This is more like outraged snowflakes making a huge mountain of a problem where there really isn’t one.And worse, perhaps exerting there collective snowflake shaming which ultimately only serves to protect criminals.
Nigel The NZ customs officers search includes any digital equipment: laptops, external hard drives, mobile phones etc. They require full access to all encrypted data, messages and email if they suspect criminal activity.
This is to try and prevent the movement of crypto currencies by criminals, also help to prevent the spread of pirated software and other material. Its a big and growing problem apparently. I wonder whether they’ve realised you can move Crypto without digital devices  If i had to hide something like that I’d use a Lord if the Rings novel for my seed  Customs work on the basis of suspicion - you know - twirling a black moustache, evil eyes, swarthy looks, carrying a bag with 'Swag' written on it etc. 
Could also be a tip off from another government department. Agreed, part suspicion by their train officers and the other 90% (or whatever the figure is) based upon intelligence of information about people that they already know. Very few are focussing on 'clean skins', ie those they they don't know they should know.
My actual point was that you don't need a digital device to hold your crypto, nor require a passport to be hidden away behind a password. If that is what they are looking for then the NZ Customs simply demonstrate they don't understand what they are looking for. You don't have to keep it digital 