Daily Mail WEBSITE Runs Afoul of NewsGuard Fake News Addon
Don’t trust Daily Mail website, Microsoft browser warns users A spokesperson for MailOnline said: “We have only very recently become aware of the NewsGuard startup and are in discussions with them to have this egregiously erroneous classification resolved as soon as possible.”Indeed, quite how they managed even one star seems beyond me. LOL - US Company doesn't understand UK Newspaper market. Since the invention of the Train all UK newspapers have a bias, its how they chase revenue. Whilst I am no fan ofthe Daily Mail, I should point out that the website doesn't appear to be of the same 'calibre' as the newspaper. It appears to be total garbage, a steady mix of celebrity and sex, often in the same article. The OP's headline is wrong, and so is your understanding of what it refers to. This is about the Daily Mail website, not the newspaper. The newspaper is fine, the website is complete sh*te. Thread title amended, cheers
As to your assertion, I assume that the DM Website uses no journos or editors from the newspaper in it's output? Agreed. The website is terrible. It is riddled with errors and they seem to be obsessed with Kate Middleton wearing old clothes, Rita Ora taking her clothes off and Ariel Winter's sideboobs and bottom. Any videos they feature have been on Liveleak for a few days.
I visit daily, for chuckles. Oh, and the reader comments are harsh  I don't think so, but I'm no expert on all things Daily Mail related!
MailOnline - Wikipedia I'd never heard of her before, but I've now put mailonline into my favourites. Many thanks for the heads up. The sidebar of shame on the DM website is daily viewing in our house.