Publish time 26-11-2019 01:24:36
Perhaps you need to learn the difference between a religion and a small minority that twist it's teachings and carry out vile and hate filled attacks on innocent people in it's name. By laying the blame on all of 'Islam' you have most certainly gone down that road.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:24:36
You clearly need to educated yourself you bigoted fool... Im a muslim and was bought up and educated to understand my faith as well as embrace other cultures and faiths.. you clearly haven't got the foggiest what you're going on about - as usual youre jumping on the bandwagon to clearly brandish all Muslims the same..
I work closely with our mosque and help to promote diversity and inclusivity to the children and the worshippers and work with other faiths to embed community cohesion within our followers.. but clearly you know more about us muslims and feel our clerics turn a blind eye.. our clerics invite non muslims to learn about the faiths and not to feed of the racist bigoted fools like you..
We're not all terrorists.. were not all rapists.... we're not the enemy.. As someone who is involved with a lot of the campaigns - we do engage the community.. we do work with government officials, we do NOT PROMOTE TERRORISM!!! yes you get the few people who may go against the grain and this happens across all societies..
Go give youre head a wobble!
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:24:36
Just an utterly horrendous, unconscionable and inexcusable massacre of innocent people. are no justifications.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:24:36
Far too generous.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:24:37
It is about an excuse to murder someone, anyone.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:24:37
Like the wars between Catholics and Protestants which are still going on in one form or another.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:24:37
We are now aware of his point of view.He has left the discussion as he has realised he has no support here, so let him go please.Thanks.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:24:37
An Australian senator slapped a teenage protester who hit him with an egg.
Queensland Senator Fraser Anning was filmed striking the 17-year-old after being egged during a meeting at Moorabbin, Melbourne.
A member of staff then gets in between the two, while others tackle the teen to the ground where he was held in a choke-hold, ABC reports.
Anning hit headlines yesterday for his comments regarding the Christchurch terror attack, which left 49 people dead.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:24:38
The Right has as much legitimacy as the Left.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:24:38
You either misunderstood who the "they" were or you also believe "they" have a level of political legitimacy. Was quoting my preceding post about "radicalised far right networks" (= the "they"), i.e yesterday's fudgeer, Breivik, Osborne, Mair, Roof et al.