Joking aside, I agree. Highly intelligent MP's only.Don't care if we double their wages either.
Don't need 650 though. All failures get an easier retest, if they pass they can join special school, if they fail they can join FN. I would have thought that they call finance and explain the issue. Can I do this or is it wrong etc. I would hope all the newbies in Parliament get hand held initially for the processes, if they fudge it up later they can be shown to have done it off their own back.
When I used to do expenses, anything looking dogdy was fired right back by the manager, if it got past the manager it was questioned again, OTT dodgy and I could expect an immediate interview with the prospect of shown the door unless it stacked up.
During the scandal I think a lot of MP's had a very twitchy time until it was all over, mine even trotted out a bizarre explanation of the expenses incurred. A lot of them I think we're panicking. If I'm understanding this case correctly, he could have claimed the full amount anyway by getting new genuine invoices but instead split it between two different pots of money by creating fake invoices.
If being generous you could say he was "just" being expedient due to laziness, or alternatively just say he was an estate agent so what do we expect?
Either way, what an idiotic thing to do.