flaxgirl Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:55

Opinions about the authenticity of the Collateral Murder video

Opinions about the authenticity of the Collateral Murder video

The expulsion of Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian Embassy and his subsequent incarceration has prompted me to look at the Collateral Murder video again and on reviewing it I've come to doubt its authenticity. I'm curious to know others' opinions.
It strikes me that the audio track is composed of bits of genuine audio stitched together which is then "made to fit" footage that is faked.
Often items are referred to that are not in the view of the Apache helicopter from which the footage is taken and, to my mind, (although I have to admit I know nothing about military matters) don't seem to quite fit, eg, a "Brad" (Bradley vehicle). I wouldn't expect this vehicle in that sort of locale.There seem to be more voices than expectedI wonder if the effects of ammunition on the ground matches what you'd expect from the Apache. It looks a bit to me as if it's coming quite laterally from the side but then that could be because the helicopter is spraying wide, however, then I wonder about the angle. The view from the Apache seems narrow. But these are all observations from someone who knows nothing about military stuff.What do others think?

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:56

So you didn't join the forum looking for AV tips? Just flew straight here.
Then again you are asking about the audio track of a video ... so a bit AV ... coincidence?


EDIT ... you wouldn't be behind a certain blog would you, that appears to view (apologies for the CAPS, just copying and pasting text straight off it) 9/11, SANDY HOOK MASSACRE, and MANCHESTER BOMBING as "STAGED EVENTS"? If so, then from your Twitter, it also appears you believe the Christchurch mosque shootings were a hoax.

Looks like we've got another one 

flaxgirl Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:57

Thanks, krish. You're right, I didn't join the forum looking for AV tips, I found it when I was googling for information on the video and found a much earlier thread on it.

EDIT: You caught me. Always best to keep an open mind, Krish. What I say is completely outside your paradigms of how the world works (as it was mine until 5 years ago when I watched the 3.5 hour film by British historian, Richard Francis Conolly, JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick) but rather than kneejerk with 9/11! Sandy Hook! Manchester! must be a CONSPIRACY THEORIST NUTTER why don't you read at least something I say before making judgement.

Everything I say is based purely in fact. I have very, very little interest in theories, although sometimes I'm forced to engage with them when the facts are lacking.

The irony of the conspiracy theorist label is that the power elite tell us CLEARLY what they're up to - so zero reason to theorise about most things - but we don't just don't see it because it's outside our paradigms. I explain this very clearly on my site.

You see how no one touches that video with a 50-foot barge pole. Now why would that be?

Gavtech Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:57

You admit knowing nothing about these matters - so please cease making pointless speculations about them until you are better informed.

By all means doubt anything and everything - but cease clogging up the world with more needless nonsense... and trying to proselytise to your cause.

But mostly I am here to warn you against linking to / mentioning your site.

flaxgirl Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:57

It wasn't I who mentioned my site in the first instance. I had good reason not to mention it and didn't (not that there was any need to in any case).

People without expertise are perfectly capable of making observations and having ideas about things they may have no background in but then they turn to those with expertise for confirmation and greater illumination.

As you can see, however, everyone is staying mum in regard to my question and this is, in fact, what I find everywhere I turn for assistance. Now why is that do you think?

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:58

Because it is the right thing to do.

flaxgirl Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:58

The right thing to do. You mean staying mum? Why do you believe that?

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:58

I have no experience, qualifications or knowledge regarding the information you are seeking.

I pass no judgement on your assertions or speculations, only making an observation on what is obvious - that is if I or anyone else has nothing to say, then don't say it.

It is the right thing to do.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:58

All he is suggesting is that if you are seeking expertise, the lack of answers suggests you have come to the wrong place.If you were asking for guidance on setting up an AV amp you would probably have got more responses.

flaxgirl Publish time 26-11-2019 01:14:58

Thank you both for the clarification. I understand what you mean now. I guess I only posted on this forum because when I was googling I came across an earlier post on the video but, of course, one question on a video doesn't mean any other question on the video is relevant to the forum. I will keep this in mind for future posting.
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