A former SNP MP has pled guilty to embezzling more than £25,600 from pro-independence organisations - including money intended for a foodbank.
Natalie McGarry, 37, admitted two charges of embezzlement when she appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court.
She had not guilty pleas accepted to another embezzlement charge, and a charge that she refused to give police the passcode for a mobile phone.
The case has been adjourned until 1 May. Some of the money was for a foodbank, scummy behaviour, I hope she gets the book thrown at her
Always knew she was a wrongun after she got engaged to a Tory Councillor  It doesn’t matter what the money is for. Strange comment to make but not unsurprising. Only in the machinations of your mind is it a strange comment, now off you trot with your othering Do they still exist in Scotland?  There's actually 4 Labour/Tory coaltion ran councils in Scotland (North Lanarkshire/Dumfires & Galloway/Fife/South Ayrshire as Labour generally won't do a coalition with the SNP
2017 Scottish local elections - Wikipedia
SLAB suspended their Aberdeen councillors because they didn't want them in coaltion but the councillors did SLAB - that's to do with legal aid?
How can they suspend councillors?
EDIT: SLAB = Scottish Labour Party  Some background
Calls to end to ‘complete farce’ over nine Aberdeen’s councillors’ suspensions Former SNP MP jailed for embezzlement As a wag opined she could have fiddled her expenses like the rest of them and got away with it
Seriously deserves all she got given her behaviour during the trial