David Lammy lambasts Comic Relief
Now before I start.... I can honestly say, that I always disagree with Lammy's political views and stance on just about anything.But on this issue I am 100% behind him.He has accused Stacey Dooley of perpetuating “tired and unhelpful stereotypes” about Africa. She has dome a piece for Comic Relief where she holds a black child, whilst showing the sad face and getting us, from the comfort of our sofa to donate money.
I works!
In my opinion David Lammy is right when he tweeted "The world does not need any more white saviours. As I've said before, this just perpetuates tired and unhelpful stereotypes. "
He talked to Comic relief before about this type of promotional film after Ed Sheeran's film - which was along the same lines. But they continue to do the same.
As someone who knows various countries in Africa pretty well, it is just perpetuates our prejudices, to raise money. They don’t want any white saviours, but they’d still like us to give them money? Or is that too cynical? I gave up feeling guilty years ago.
In addition, over time and different countries, the money given goes into various accounts and very little ends up where it's needed.
I also quickly swap TV stations when a charity advert appears pleading with a bleeding heart for money - those bloody adverts are very long-winded.
Isn't it strange that the TV adverts don't appear in the African countries concerned. I wonder why?
(Oh, no I don't - I know why). Of course they accept money but we should raise it in an honest way.Sending a celeb out to 'Africa' where they stay in a top class hotel and go out on location during the day to the nearest shack and hold a black child, preferably with a few flies is not the way.
Interestingly it is the 'left bleeding hearts' that actually support this kind of TV program. In fact they just can't see what they doing wrong. (OK, I was listening to Shelagh Fogarty) Now being called poverty porn....
Comic relief hits back.
Comic Relief hits back at Labour MP David Lammy over his criticism of its ‘poverty porn’ Stacey Dooley was in Uganda holding up a black child with a sad face. It's sad that she has fallen into the trap so many others have fallen into, but having said that - maternal instinct probably plays a big part and how can anyone argue against such a powerful natural force?
Not me. Ditto that.
As for some of the charities, have you seen how much the CEO's get paid
Gave up with all that stuff a while ago.
What i'd be happy to do is buy more African goods, if we can open up trade barriers and see more of their stuff in the shops.
Lets help them trade their way out of poverty etc.
Sick and tired of seeing the usual stuff on the TV. A man who earns just short of 80k per year, and has access to a large expense account, doesn’t have room to talk when he doesn’t lift a finger to do anything to raise awareness or money for impoverished areas. Stacey:
Stacey Dooley hits back at MP Lammy's Comic Relief 'white saviour' criticism
She tweeted : "David, is the issue with me being white? (Genuine question)... because if that's the case, you could always go over there and try raise awareness?"
She's posted images on Instagram of her holding a young Ugandan child. I assume he wants to see an end to this.