EHRC to write to the Conservative Party re Islamophobia
After already having investigated Labour Party re Anti SemitismA sad state of affairs for the two largest political parties in this country
Britain’s equality watchdog writes to the Conservative Party following Islamophobia complaints But dontcha know that
Islamophobia in Tory party= totally acceptable
Anti-semitism in Labour Party = not acceptable What's the definition of "Islamophobia"?I've looked and can't seem to find it.I looked through the report produced by a parliamentary committee the other day but couldn't find clear principles in it. There isnt one. Im sure all forms of racism are unacceptable It seems that there are some concerns around the definition drafted by the APPG and a rewording has been requested as the current one is deemed too broad. The way it has been drafted, it could be a back door to outlawing blasphemy.
Anyway it seems, quite rightly, the draft has been rejected. I agree with the police from what I've seen from the quotes. I have no issue with a definition, but it can't be that broad for any group. It's very tricky. You effectively need first to define what is and isn't Islamic. Police chiefs in row over definition of Islamophobia
“We are concerned that the definition is too broad as currently drafted, could cause confusion for officers enforcing it and could be used to challenge legitimate free speech on the historical or theological actions of Islamic states. There is also a risk it could also undermine counter-terrorism powers, which seek to tackle extremism or prevent terrorism.
One case study from the parliamentarians’ report into Islamophobia suggests the definition was drawn up in part to tackle possible police prejudice.
The anonymous respondent said: “I was stopped at Heathrow airport. The policeman said that they targeted me because of my attire. This has happened to me so many times. I cannot report it because the police do not see this as Islamophobic behaviour.”
Note, in some circumstances, a person's appearance and attire IS a key part of a threat assessment. A policeman sees a man in traditional Islamic attire, carrying a rucksack, entering a Synagogue, pop concert, whatever. The officer's concerns will be based wholly on the person's appearance, manner and the context. If the policeman cannot act, for fear of being called racist, and it is blown up, then what?
What about criticism of Islam? At present largely Muslims are trying to stop the teaching that LGBT relationships are acceptable. Can we criticise this? How about grooming gangs? The reason why we had them was the police and councils were terrified to act for fear of being called racist. Want to go back to that? Nothing done for fear of "Islamophobia?"
What about vote rigging, wife beating, antisemitism?
Animals can't be stunned because of fear?
Council stopped from banning halal meat in schools
A move to ban meat from non-stunned animals across schools in Lancashire has been halted after Muslim leaders raised concerns it would create community tensions."