pragmatic Publish time 26-11-2019 01:04:57

Another monstrous beheading by ISIS

David Cameron vows to hunt down 'monsters' who beheaded British hostage David Haines - Telegraph

Naqv Publish time 26-11-2019 01:04:58

Evil people. No other word to describe them. Don't make a big show of it, just terminate a vast majority of them to reduce the overall violence levels in the region.

robel Publish time 26-11-2019 01:04:59

They beheaded half a dozen or so Egyptian police in the Sinai the other week, not sure it reached the MSM.....they are going to get royally screwed soon which will be great to see....

paul1979 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:04:59

We in west i feel procrastinate far too much. I often feel decisions are off set for fear of loosing elections etc while all the while innocent individuals are loosing their life, and families loosing loved ones.

Personally i wish we would go in with boots on the ground; indeed if this is not humanitarian (i.e. safeguarding the free world from oppression and tyranny) then i don't know what is.

I hear talk shows and individuals talk of human rights and how these young individuals have been misled. I feel so strongly that this country is backwards. Should we catch such persons, i fear we would incarcerate only to be told we breach their rights and they would get early realise.

On account of rights, we read about leaflet drops encouraging individuals to fight for IS in the holy war of Jehad, and IS posting on Facebook and twitter of their account? How is this allowed? why is this not deemedan act of inciting terrorism?

We are talking of a de radicalisation program? How will this work? for me it is like telling a christian there is no god and not to believe. Faith (they say) has drove this, and now we simply feel they will turn when told "know all your foundational beliefs their wrong"! regrettably Allah has more sway in their view and what they belief.

I want us to stand up and be counted. We are part of the G7 and a global leader and power yet all our decisions are shrouded in uncertainty with contradicting information.
As a country with so many refugees and immigrants i feel we should remove the passport of any extremist who leave to fight and also deport their family. Any individual of non british nationality inciting terrorism i feel should also be deported along with family.

It may seem extreme, and may be i right this as i am frustrated and upset of the state what is happening. Nonetheless, i feel action needs to be taken.

As JFK one said

"There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction"

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 01:04:59

The best way of losing loved ones is to indiscriminately send in boots on the ground.   People wearing boots have a nasty habit of being wiped out andsent home in a box while achieving nothing.I don't know what the answer is, but throwing troops at terrorists who don't read the rule book on modern warfare doesn't seem to work very well.

SyStemDeMoN Publish time 26-11-2019 01:04:59

Warfare has changed and it will not change back.Gone are the days of rules of war.
We must change with it, but no one knows how.
I feel for those in the firing line so to speak, as those who are dying have morals and do not deserve to become a message.

paul1979 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:04:59

Hi Giant, i do get that but equally i don't feel politics is the answer hear. We need close quarters tactics rather than the carnage that missiles can cause. yes laser guided are good but still so many casualties. If we shied away at all time there was a risk i would now be german (and don't get me wrong with a better economy, leader, and engineering at times thats no bad thing lol). Anyhow, i don't fully know. I would rather there was no need but how long will this continue. ? until syria and iraq fall? Then you have to consider the implications with Russia etc.... large black fleet based in syria (often what has prevented an incursion).

Its mess really. The implications are so reaching with the damage to human life, and the economy that this is causing. Suddenly Scottish independence seems not such a pressing matter?

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 01:05:00

I have no answers either I am afraid.You can't bring political pressure to bear on a group that has no political representation. And boots on the ground can't fight an army that isn't there or hides amongst the civilian population."Warfare" if that is even the right term is evolving faster than we can keep up with it.

travid Publish time 26-11-2019 01:05:00

I am a fan of Rachael Maddow and I think this gives an interesting POV.

tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 01:05:00

Warfare hasn't changed (other than technological advances), it's still brutal and really only has one rule - Do anything to win. ISIS has capitalised on Obama's mistake of withdrawing from Iraq far too quickly and failing to turn Iraq into a stable state that could face up to threats like ISIS. As it is Iraq will likely split into 3.

It's Gorilla warfare driven by Osama Bin Ladens demented dreams of a caliphate, using the internet to spread propaganda and fear. ISIS can be defeated, but it will take years and the co-operation of middle eastern countries. The thing you have to keep in mind about ISIS, is that they wouldn't have got anywhere in Iraq without the aid of Saddam's former generals and so on.
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