Iran escalation?
Mike Pence is called back for an emergency...
Tehran threatening Israel...
RT on Twitter
Reuters Top News on Twitter
Also seen reports that Putin rapidly went back to meet with his defence cabinet...
And FEST has departed...
Tribunal Report[email protected]/png/64/2696.png on Twitter
Quick, buy some bitcoin before the money markets melt down  Other than what you posted there are a lot of details missing.
It's not clear if there is also a connection with the Russian sub to the USA as that wasn't in the Gulf?
Panic rumors fly as Pence cancels trip after Russian sub accident
7 captains, 2 ‘Heroes of Russia’ among those killed in fire on Russian deep submersible – Putin
The sub appears to have been in the Black Sea??
There has also been a lot of action between Syria and Israel it seems, with a Syria missile landing in Northern Cyprus, just 12 miles north-east of Nicosia:
Stray missile from Syria-Israel clash lands in Cyprus – video
Cyprus struck by stray missile thought to have come from Syria All in a days work  Never boring. And this is just the stuff that gets public. Correct and fire is a major risk in submarines even with breathing gear. Which is over fifty miles from Syria, sounds like a bad malfunction. It’s very nearby. I was there last summer in the north and on a clear day you can see the shores. Air launched missiles tend to have a fairly short range although there are exceptions.
The distance from the most easterly part of Cyprus to the coast of Syria is about 100km so it would likely have to be a medium to long range cruise missile or a very long range traditional missile. It’s thought it was one of these ...
S-200 (missile) - Wikipedia
They look a pretty old design! That fits plus we don't know how well trained the users were. Maybe this was the issue?
Russia disrupting GPS in Israeli airspace via ship or military base in Syria, defense officials believe