How many conservative MPs will resign the party this week?
As per title.I think a few Labour ones may jump to the Lib Dems as well, but not sure it'll happen this week.
A fair few Tories seem quite cheesed off about BoJo firing 21 moderate MPs. They voted him in, now they are resigning.
This would make a good Carry On film. You should change it to just leave the party, seeing as Johnson is likely to kick out a few more to keep his average up. It’s a clear out for sure. Boris has taken the attitude that anyone who opposes Brexit is out. This will make more sense at the next General Election.
We won’t end up with the crazy situation where a leave constituency is represented by a remain MP.
Not sure how labour are going to handle this dilemma. They have plenty of leave constituencies, and it won’t play out well if the party is now saying they want to remain.
Sack the voters? or just give his party/cabinet the Benny Hill theme tune This might be of interest:
Resignation from the British House of Commons - Wikipedia
...But then again it might not 