Your "likes"
Man fined by Swiss court for 'liking' defamatory comments on FacebookBe careful what you like.  Interesting article. I was wondering how you could get into trouble for simply adding a "Like", but hadn't considered that the act of clicking the "Like" button is analogous to sharing the story to all of your own "Friends", insofar as it would then appear on their feeds. >Sweden
No surprise their no surprise their what? The swedes are proper whipped these days. No surprise there, other than it's actually Switzerland, not Sweden where they're prosecuting someone for their Facebook activity. For safety, I "funnyed" your article, just in case.... I blame Brexit.Since they have to make Toblerones with less peaks and more gaps, the Swiss obviously have far too much time on their hands. Pretty much every crappy thing traces back to Brexit. Was going to like your post...sorry bottled it!!