Jeremy Corbyn - Continuing Saga of the Labour Party Leader
Who'd have thought it?// 1st round landslide too. Conservatives win the next general election, landslide victory! My crystal ball doesn't look that far ahead.
... Still have another 4 years of Tory complacency. Its going to be interesting to see how Corbyn changes himself to being a politician of protest to one who actually has to face realities. Expect quite a few Uturns (which are very necessary) before he can become electable.
We need clear statements on his position vis a vis Europe. The extent of involvement in overseas conflicts, Nuclear deterrent, and defence spending. We also need to clear up who are his 'friends' now. After all, he has had lots of meetings with unsavoury characters and terrorist groups. That was the luxury of being someone who no one took seriously.
Still, the good news for supporters, is that Red Ken was forgiven and became Mayor so there is hope that Corbyn can be thoroughlylaundered as well . Tories now in power for 20 years. Agreed, up until now he has been able to play the protest card. Hairy and scary. "Labour's shadow health minister Jamie Reed first to resign from frontbench as Rachel Reeves, Emma Reynolds and Tristram Hunt also step aside"
Labour's shadow health minister resigns moments after Jeremy Corbyn victory - Telegraph