Scotland Bans Smacking
Amongst the Brexit mess, it is pleasing to see some parts of the UK continue to progress a liberal agenda.Its long overdue but Scotland has become the first part of the UK to ban smacking of children:/proxy.php?image= Scotland becomes first UK country to ban smacking The Scottish Parliament votes overwhelmingly to make it a criminal offence for parents to physically punish their children. /proxy.php?image=
 What has the world come to // Why mention brexit at all? It's completely irrelevant to the topic. Give it 5 mins I'm sure there'll be a quote containing a newspaper link showing evidence of Brexit voters and smacking. This is my biggest eye roll of the day[email protected]/png/64/1f644.png What I wonder is what this actually means in practise.
I can’t for a moment think that it will stop physical abuse from those who are inclined to do so. But at the same token can imagine a world of hell for parents if a nosy neighbour witnesses an event without any context.
Is it just a legal instrument to close a loophole that serious abusers used to get off a charge? The law is about extending the same rights to our smallest and most precious citizens to those afforded to adults. So closing a loophole then. If Scotland is banning smacking will they still be able to headbutt while drunk?
Seems like Scotland needs it.
/proxy.php?image= Two thirds of Scots kids experience adverse childhood experiences ACEs impact two in three Scots children, University of Edinburgh study finds /proxy.php?image=
Traumatic events are experienced by two thirds of children in Scotland before the age of eight, according to researchers at the University of Edinburgh.
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are stressful or traumatic experiences in the early years such as domestic violence or parental drug misuse, which growing evidence shows influence brain development and have a long-term impact on lifetime health, wellbeing and outcomes.
"Hey Jimmie, come here...Can your grandmother sew?"