pinnocchio Publish time 26-11-2019 00:40:33

Interesting timing for this Boris 'Good Friend' story...

When I first read about this latest dalliance rumour involving Boris and this American bint I was neither surprised by it occurring, not that he would have used taxpayer money to 'support' her activities.

However having reflected for a day I'm coming to the conclusion the story may well have been deliberately planted now to make it a non story during the election campaign.

Firstly the fact it's in a Murdoch rag, who, while loving to run any story to remind Boris to keep in line with their masters whims, would not want Corbyn elected under any circumstances.

Secondly, It looks like this was fairly common knowledge given the quantity of photos that have suddenly appeared, so how come none of the 'lefty' papers hadn't picked up on it?My only thought is they knew but were sitting on the story to use during the election campaign.

Thirdly, If Boris was, in effect, using taxpayer monies to fund a woman half his age, who chose to prostitute her services in a pretty clear conflict of interest it's possible he has form for doing this.So will more come out of the woodwork?

Lastly.Was there possibly a book by her being rumoured and that's why she had moved back stateside?

The best joke doing the rounds I've read was....

Boris apparently has a 12 inch todger, but he doesn't use it as a rule.

Postulate away.......

mcbainne Publish time 26-11-2019 00:40:35


weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 00:40:36

Is this the first time you’ve noticed politically motivated timing of ‘shocking’ stories being released?Do you have the same feelings about the numerous publicly recorded videos of Corbyn attending Pro-Palestinian rallies over the last 15 years that coincidentally surface when Guido wants to run a story?

Sadly, it’s just the usual media-driven dirty politics, although I still looking forward to Johnson’s explanation for spaffing public money on an entrepreneur that was turned down several times by others before he and his office intervened.

pinnocchio Publish time 26-11-2019 00:40:36

I see Murdochs Sunday Times has gone for Boris again today on the front page.

Any theories for why Murdoch would have a problem with him, or is this just "remember who the real boss is" messaging?

pinnocchio Publish time 26-11-2019 00:40:36

Third week in a row that the ST has gone for Boris on the front page.

Given one of the quotes in the story seems to be from Arcuris diary/journal my guess is they might have got access to this 'stolen' laptop some how.

Still wondering why Murdoch seems to be actively going for Boris though.

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 00:40:36

Murdoch's usually hands-off with Times titles, whereas his redtop bogrolls are his voice.

Don Rogers Tash Publish time 26-11-2019 00:40:36

Arcuri looks like an alternate universe Britney Spears gone wrong.

Britney Spores...

SteakAndCake Publish time 26-11-2019 00:40:37

Baby Spice   Meth

mcbainne Publish time 26-11-2019 00:40:37

She was a bit of a car crash this morning on GMTV, SKy News just saying there are now 3 investigation ongoing into the issue

Don Rogers Tash Publish time 26-11-2019 00:40:37

A sordid match made in heaven.
Her book will be in the WH Smith bargain bucket next week.
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