Political violence
BBC News - Owen Jones 'kicked in head' in London street attackLabour activist Owen Jones attacked in street
Seems he was specifically targeted going by the text.
I'm not a fan of Jones, but this is appalling. Even though he seemed to applaud violence against others thru milkshaking, he doesn't deserve this.
I hope this isn't a sign of further politically motivated violence to come. But I suspect this may be just the start. For myself personally,all our polititions, leaders , anyone elected should not have access to social media. It may not be the case here but the likes of Twitter n Facebook should not be the places elected officials should be on .to many nutters inhabit that world . I totally agree with you, nobody should be afraid of being attacked. Him applauding violence himself still doesn't mean it is ok to attach him.
Just looking at that link he is immediately his annoying self again; using highly emotionally loaded words, seeming excessively exaggerates what happened, laying the blame with far right immediately and totally ignoring what the far left is doing, and unsurprising instantly getting support from Corbyn who also put a dig in.
The two are the scum of the earth, but I do not now nor ever support violence to them. Even considering how they seem to support violence themselves. The irony of Owen Jones after writing yet another article blaming conservative policy for the rise of violent crime. Days later he's seemingly attacked. I think he’s an annoying journalist too but I’m not sure how he can be accused of exaggerating what happened, until there is more detail released either by the police or the cctv?I assume he’s blamed the far right immediately as he’s been previously mobbed/shouted at by them (James Goddard outside Westminster etc)?
I’m not sure where he’s supported violence before though, other than a sarcastic dig at Farage and a milkshake?
Considering the actual threats of violence that occur on social media regularly, a tweet about a milkshake hardly suggests encouraging violence does it?If there’s something else you’re referring to then apologies. (Please let’s not let this thread descend into another “you are defending what he does because you didn’t openly condemn him” post) Scum of the earth Arron Banks ...
Arron Banks on Twitter https://www.avforums.com/attachments/abankscunt-jpg.1185175/
JHB you can fudge off too, you hypocrite with your St Greta bullsh*t Saw all that the other day. Disgusting that a 16 year old mentally ill girl draws such vitriol from some adults.
But then you expect it these days from pathetic individuals such as them. On the same day she took a pop at Thunberg too;
This is the rank hypocrisy of people like this. The thing is there are many like Brewer and Banks who claim she is being exploited with this climate change stance. So therefore if she's a mentally ill child being exploited, what in the fudge are they doing attacking her?
Returning to Jones, he does annoy me at times but he doesn't deserve that. And being kicked in the head when you're on the floor is absolutely disgusting. There’s as much chance that Jones was attacked for his sexuality as his political journalism (according to the Chakrabati quote in the linked article).