Boris Johnson: the new PM to energise the country?
Boris has lots of enthusiasm, confidence and optimism. This could be one of the most interesting premierships in recent history. It could also be one of the shortest.Will he get us out on 31st October? The odds (Parliament and the EU) seem stacked against him.
We won’t have to wait long to find out if he can succeed. There can be no doubt he will get us out of the EU by 31 October.He must have a plan, including of how he is going to get it approved/allowed by Parliament, and now just needs to enact it. Well if , when he fails to deliver the withdrawl at least it will be a spectacular failure and entertaining ,unlike dry ol May.
Gonna be a fun ride and quite possibly a short one . Or he might just suprise us all . I've created a new thread for Marv and others bants and wind ups. Please keep this one on topic and civil. Why did he cut his hair surely he has lost 50% of his power This is a wind up thread right? I wish the whole thing was a wind-up.But its not.He is "the dude".This is reality.Johnson has made his head mark 'energising' the country so the thread title is spot on really. The Conservatives aren't going to get anyone "more Brexit," Boris was a key person in the official campaign. If we don't leave at the end of October it will have been two different Conservative leaders and PMs promising to leave the EU and then not delivering.
The next by-election is this one:
Chris Davies out - New by-election.
If we haven't left, the next GE will be no later than two and a half years later, and possibly sooner. The Brexit Party peak might actually be at that if Brexit still isn't delivered. It might give them some seats, it might also give a Corbyn government.
I'd like to think the Conservatives see that, a lot of them have voted for Boris. Also they have probably realised there isn't many places for them to go to. How did do? And I expect he will energise the country for his supporters and opposition alike . I'm not a fan but will give him the benefit of doubt in the top job , at least now we can judge and disscuss his actions rather than speculate on them . Now trending on Twitter.