Blockchain (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ether, Ripple etc)
As someone who follows these products, I am starting to think these will be breaking through into mainstream finance soon.
Bitcoin in India: Govt Invites Citizen Comments on Virtual Currencies What about Ripple? Yeah, Ripple in the list too. Man if only I'd bought $100 of Bitcoins just seven years ago.... would now be worth $75m // All major banks, central banks, clearing houses, governments, law enforcement agencies have been preparing for this for a long time. I blew a bonus on Bitcoin about 3 years ago after buying and selling a few in the year previous to that... with the recent increase in price my stash is now roughly the same as my annual salary  Kinda wishing I'd put more into it now, but hell I'm definitely not complaining!
Bitcoin definitely has the potential to be a very disruptive technology, as it's adoption increases around the world I think everyone will be surprised at what it's price eventually will be. Really impressed with things like airline companies in Japan adopting it!
Wish the UK would be more receptive to it though, I've used some in the past to buy things from and a few other techy websites but not seen much mass adoption yet. Looking hard a Litecoin myself.Price has doubled in a month, with LOTS of potential. They all came off their highs, by quite a lot, over the last few days. I try not to get too excited about the massive run ups, it always drops back quite a bit. Just look back 30 days, it was roughly £1000 each, compared with about £1750 now. The peak was about £2100 but who cares if it drops back and its ONLY up 75% in a month? 
Give it another six months and we could easily be looking at £2500 each by the end of the year I reckon 
To put it all into perspective, my more safe passive investments are in a Vanguard fund, that has ONLY made 5% YTD, which is still inflation beating.
Vanguard LifeStrategy 60% Equity Fund A Acc|GB00B3TYHH97 