Labours ongoing anti semitism row
Looks like Labour can take swift action when required. First Margaret Hodge, now Ian Austin.Ian Austin: Labour MP faces action after anti-Semitism code row MP faces action in Labour anti-Semitism row
Second Labour MP faces disciplinary action in anti-Semitism row Second Labour MP faces disciplinary action in anti-Semitism row
It’s the ongoing issue that doesn’t go away. Dr David Applebaum and his daughter Nava were murdered in Jerusalem by a suicide bomber, the second photo is Corbyn chatting to the hamas terrorist who planned it, on press TV.... Granted it is not a great look as always from JC , does this actually make JC antisemitic when he is criticising Isreal as a state and his perceived actions of said state ? Here are some simple questions for you.
Has Corbyn shared platforms with Holocaust deniers?
Has Corbyn shared platforms with Jew haters?
Corbyn always claims he wants to help achieve peace. I have never seen anything to suggest that he is pro peace. He is most certainly Anti Israel, the only Jewish majority country in the world, smaller than Wales.
If he is simply against some policies of a countries current government then why share platforms with Holocaust deniers and self confessed Jew haters? To then claim he didn't know is feeble and pathetic and of course an insult.
Im not sure who he thinks he is fooling....
Can you honestly show me another country he is so obsessed with and hates as much? Maybe America? the UK? Russia?
Anyway the damage has well and truly been done, the vast majority of UK Jews and others will not vote Labour under Corbyns leadership and with its agenda. Agreed, certainly not a great look, and very ill advised. I guess this was before he was made leader of the Labour Party? But we have to question his judgment and impartiality.
I become uneasy when a PM has already shown where he has nailed his colours. Our PM should be generally neutral in Middle East matters. By the way, I was equally uneasy about David Millibandas I felt he wouldn't be impartial either. (although he had the potential to be a good P.M.)
Does this make Corbyn anti Semitic. Not necessarily. Anyone is free to criticise another country's policy.
However, the fact that many Jewish labour supporters have criticised him for not routing out anti semitism in his party does raise questions over his commitment. Unfortunately Jeremy's political methodology has always been protest based. He hasn't grown out of that college student mindset.
So even as leader of a political party he favours who he sees as the underdog. He is a man of peace and will talk with anyone or any group, but as he prefers politically radical groups the big players and leaders of countries stay well clear of him.
No wonder he is seen as having antisemitism tendencies.
IMO the only thing carrying him along is the personality cult and 'hero worship' which has become prominent in the Labour Party. I don't think that will enable him to become PM, but the force is strong with him. Sounds like a rational bloke:image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
"”We should ask the 70 rabbis ‘where is your evidence of severe and widespread antisemitism in this Party?’” So no action against him, but there is again those speaking up. You couldn’t make it up how the Labour Party keeps digging. Do you remember his 'we all know who won' interview after the GE?
That one statement tells you everything there is to know about Jeremy Corbyn.
He's not stupid enough to believe that he actually won the general election, which is why he was commenting on securing his 'untouchable' status as party leader.
The party's stance with regards to anti semitism is built in order to accomodate Jeremy's stance on Israel/Palestine and this issue just isn't going anywhere as long as he is still party leader.
As I've said before he should have gone immediately after the GE, he could have resigned in a blaze of glory and passed the baton to a worthy successor capable of building on what he achieved and delivering a labour government.
Instead, he'll slowly destroy everything he achieved and leave his successor with the same garbage he was given to work with.
The cult of personality seems to be an inherent problem for the Labour party. Agree.
After the GE I was hoping Jeremy would grow in political stature and take on board the big picture. As it turned out my anticipation bubble was pricked.
I'll not be voting Labour at the next GE. Far too many major issues and poor judgement on handling these issues.