Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:43
You'd negotiate a Brexit deal you can live with, then campaign for your preferred option and hope voters side with you. It's a simple idea, but with a lot of nuance that voters are probably just not interested in. All we've had for the last 3 and a bit years is a binary choice before Parliament Deal or No Deal, with no real say from voters just MP's slagging each other off. All the 2016 vote gave was an instruction to leave, not how to leave. Thus chaos has ensued. We can thank David Cameron for that one.
There is no way to avoid an election for very long, if a Unity Government were formed once a deal or second referendum has taken place a mandate must be sought to deal with all the other problems that have been building up due to Brexit alongside implementing the Brexit Decision.
The way to sell a softer Brexit Deal is to say, that it's a stepping stone that provides stability while a comprehensive trade deal is negotiated with the EU. If you want to be truly free of the EU then a trade deal is the only way of getting there.
You'd have to set up a second referendum to be legally binding upon Parliament, if you want to avoid a repeat of the last 3 years. Though I dare say Farage wouldn't be too disappointed if we don't leave the EU. It'll give him something to rage about for years to come.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:43
Interesting fact would be how many Labour voters actually voted to leave................................ surely in the forthcoming election (which will happen no doubt) they can't vote for a party that is now in the remain camp (even tho it's against Commie own beliefs) unbelievable......
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:44
Labour aren't in the Remain Camp.They voted against it. They're a Corbyn Deal with confirmation referendum camp.
According to YouGov, Labour are 65% Remain, 35% Leave.TBH, I expected far higher proportion of Leave but it appears that modern Labour has a greater pull in the cities than in the working class North.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:44
And we all know Amber Rudd has no track record of making dishonest or misleading statements.
Her quote on the effort for deal Vs no deal was bizarre. Of course 90% of the effort goes into no deal planning. A deal means nothing needs to change immediately, so how could it possibly need as much effort?
Turkey surely.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:44
Working class North you think would have more pull than cities... He wants a deal, if not I am going to throw my toys out of the pram. 35% is a quite high number. That's 1/3 of the labour vote. If no deal then makes him remain..............
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:44
Madras with mint sauce works for me 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:45
He's despatched no one
The EU /conservatives have. You really are deluded.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:45
In this cabinet, personal character means nothing. They're all either incompetent or liars so attacking character is meaningless when discussing their opinions or statements.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:45
Trying to think of a country where the left have been in power and they have not been bankrupted in a couple of years............
Venezuela selling petrol for 1p a litre and still bankrupt! Jeez!
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:45