Publish time 25-11-2019 21:55:07
As an aside: I think the role of the media should be re-examined. I don't think publishing headlines like, "Traitors!" helps anybody.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:55:08
Yes, but the key word in your reply is "compliance". Is this helpful? Is this democratic? Is this truly representative?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:55:09
The British tabloid press is a global embarrassment.Journalistic guidelines need tightening.You can't have a functioning democracy without and informed electorate but the press would rather peddle clickbait and salacious gossip than hold anyone to account.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:55:10
Genuine question, isn't the tabloid press from any country equally embarrassing?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:55:10
Would rather have more referendums (like the Swiss) in the future.
Agree re the point of what majority/min number of voters etc etc, needs to be looked at.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:55:11
With 1, 2 and 3 there would have been 99% in favour of Brexit 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:55:12
Yes, but the British ones have a reputation for being the nastiest and worst.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:55:13
I’d argue that some other countries are even worse, France and Italy for example can go quite far.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:55:15
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:55:15
The only exception to that would have to be if the country is at war, in the midst of a natural disaster or facing a constitutional crisis.
If the Union is to survive federalism is likely the best way of going about it. Prising power away from Westminster is the big task. We don't need a parliament for England, what we require is regional Government with devolved powers for the regions combined with Citizens assemblies to help decide upon the big issues.
He's stood up for the Commons in face of the Executive, which is too powerful. I haven't agreed with everything Bercow has done but he is far being the worst speaker. If you want to make an actual reform to the role of speaker then you should be looking at doing away with the convention that means a Speaker is elected without challenge. It's the safest seat of them all and makes Speakers unaccountable to voters. But changing that convention might make speakers far more interventionist than Bercow. Also read Erskine May it's a most enlightening read if a little dry.
A second chamber is required to ensure bills are debated and amended properly before passing into law. I'd rather see the Lords replaced with a fully elected chamber, than have to wait for the courts to sort out ill defined laws due to a lack of oversight and debate in Parliament.
The only viable option is a Presidency, so there is little point in abolishing the monarchy if you don't like that idea. I'd slim the Monarchy down and cut costs where necessary. As for the Royal Estates and Palaces ? I'd open them up to tourism.
A Written Constitution would have to go much further than the points raised in this thread.
The national enquirer might give the sun a run for it's money in some ways. But in general the tabloid press pokes at the worst of human nature to generate clickbait headlines (physical newspapers seem to be on the way out). They've shown they can't police themselves therefore it is time for Leveson 2.