Do you support Farage?
Yes, no, or useful fool. Polls aren't working at the moment // fixed  He comes across well with his speech and rhetoric, very clear. However I don't trust his lightweight style, his collection of start-up political parties and his inability to make it as an MP.So do I support him?
...Reserved until he has a say in parliament and how he conducts himself in the House. Uselul fool for me , used him a couple of times and I hope there is no need for him again , remainers seem to want keep him revelentandgive TBP a stronger foothold though . No, he's the thin end of the wedge. I don't think I need to comment really  I vote useful "Tool" for now as keeps Tories motivated. If it comes to a GE in my area then they are only real choice against Labour for me irrespective of Brexit. I can't risk Corbyn. Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool that follows him? 
#StarWars If only there was a fourth poll option:
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