What will be the vote totals tomorrow (Oct 19th)?
Tomorrow will be critical to determining if this constant bickering about Brexit comes to an end.The vote in parliament has so many subplots that no-one really knows what will happen,
So what do you think the vote will end up at? Close  IG
For a couple of minutes I read this as you were closing the voting......and couldn't for the life of me work out why.In my defence I've caught a cold and have a stonking stonking headache and my vision isn't great either. Glad you figured out I was predicting a narrow gap I think it might sneak through given all the support for the deal from across the spectrum. Guessing within 5 either way. Depends how successful Boris is at schmoozing people today. I am guessing this will go through with 10 or so in favour. I hope his superhero schmoozing powers are strong enough.
To deal with the craptonite Oh hope he doesn't go for a Dexy's and tries to ...
Cum On Arlene does that mean ...
ERG "Spartans"  DUP https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/joypixels/[email protected]/png/64/1f4a9.png = the Suicide Squad