Scotland staying in the EU?
This is a good one even for Nicola Sturgeon:'Real chance' Scotland can stay in EU - Sturgeon
Scotland has had other issues to deal with over the years and still she goes on. They been employing Abbot for the oil prices again?
John Nicolson (SNP dude) was on This Week and asked that if they got a yes for independence, would that be the end. He said yes, cos they would have won. And didn't see the point of the question for a moment. Yes I saw that. Portillo did him like a kipper. Scotland would have to pay for a new wall to be built, Hadrian's is too far south. Ah, lets give it to them. They can do with all the help they can get... Just think on the bright side we would get Duty free every time will cross the boarder Not sure there is a lot of duty on deep fried mars bars  Let’s just give them another vote and let them get on with it, the sooner the better, why wait two years, why wait to see what happens with Brexit.
Nigel Both ways? Could be some interesting booze cruises. Get stuck in a loop and spending years on one booze cruise. The point is they would have to join as a new nation and the EU is unlikely to look at that unless they will be a net contributor.