Who are the Peter Pan's? - Leavers Or Remainers - Cast Your Vote!
Please cast your vote's guys!Poll is open for 14 days.  Define Children's films 
What if I watch films but don't read because I'm illiterate ?
Did you assume our gender? You've botched this like Brexit 
I don't read comics but I do watch kids films. Plus it was only films we were talking about anyway.
And I think they're called "graphic novels" these days.... Childrens films and comics intended for children IE under 18  so what is an agreeable question then? I think you need to change it to Marvel films and drop comics.
It was the Hulk that started all this off wasn't it?
Edit: You can keep kids films if you like - anyone that doesn't like Toy Story needs banning anyway. This is a good way to root them all out  *** I cant edit it now, can IG assist please? Just drop reading comics and keep as it is then? This has all turned into such a perfect Brexit analogy.
You just dived in without a plan! Now look what's happened!  You said I had to do it. Just like a remainer always blaming someone else 