slackbladder Publish time 25-11-2019 21:32:53

New Guitar help me choose - Schecter/ESP Ltd/Roland

Been thinking about getting a new guitar. So far I'm considering a Schecter Blackjack SLS Avenger FR Sustainiac, a Schecter Hellraiser C-1 FR Sustainiac, an ESP Ltd H-1001FR (which is a bit cheaper) or from out of left field a Roland GC-1-BK GK-Equipped Strat Black.
The Roland is partly due to the fact that I'll also be getting the Roland Roland GR-55GK Guitar Synth with GK3 Pickup (w/wo pickup). But I'm more drawn to the Schecters or ESP Ltd (of those the Avenger SLS for it's style).
So, has anybody here used these guitars? I've never owned or played on a Schecter or an ESP Ltd. Any good?

Toasty Publish time 25-11-2019 21:32:54

I tried out schecter, prs and esp when looking for a new guitar a couple of years ago, all good guitars, but I went with ESP in the end, suited my guitar style better. As always recommended in these scenarios, I'd try before you buy.

slackbladder Publish time 25-11-2019 21:32:55

Yeah. I'd love to try them out first but I'm nowhere near a guitar shop that sells any of them!
Thing is I'm no shredder and my style is more...subtle shall we say. But I am attrcted by the Sustainers on the Schecters. I have one already on a Burny (Chinese made Les Paul copy - related to Japanese Fernandes company) and it does sound pretty good. But I wanted something easier to play.
Thin I'll do a bit more research.

Toasty Publish time 25-11-2019 21:32:55

I'm after a schecter, ibanez or esp 8 string, none my local shops stock 8 strings though 

Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:32:55

Just out of interest, being only a pretty novice player myself, what advantages do seven or even eight strings give you?

Toasty Publish time 25-11-2019 21:32:56

If you play heavy rock, a lot of bands D tune if not B tune, this means playing notes lower than bottom E. With a six sting, you have to down tune below concert pitch. 7 or 8 strings, you can keep concert pitch and play more styles with one guitar.

For me its this I want to play around with, not just for heavy rock either, I've heard some great bluesy guitar coming from an 8 string where bass notes can be played without losing the dynamics from the normal top 6 strings.

Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:32:56

Thanks. Not something I'll be worrying myself with just jet 

Still have to think about where to find the notes on 6 strings, without even getting into chord construction, so the extra two strings would just add to the confusion. Maybe when I've been playing a few more years.

Bigwind Publish time 25-11-2019 21:32:56

Having played a 6 string for very many years, I tried a 7 string a while ago. Very different feel (obviously) but was told that it would take a lot of practice to get good on it. I can't imagine what an 8 string would take.

Scott Raffan Publish time 25-11-2019 21:32:56

Not played the H-1001FR but I own an EC1000 and the built quality is brilliant, feels really solid.
Played a few Schecters and been a bit disappointed to be honest, I would vote LTD

Nosilla99 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:32:56

6 or 12 string is fine, but 7 or 8 string is just wrong

It is probably just my age, but I have to say that the instrument should be renamed to something other than a guitar.

Have to admit that I am slightly intrigued so will have to investigate further 

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