Never Peace Of Mind - my new prog rock instrumental
Hey everyone! Im happy to share with you my latest track I was working on for the last 2 months. Its called Never Peace Of Mind, its a prog rock instrumental with metal, hard and alt rock influences. And as usual it has a lot of emphasis on the guitar solo.Sit back, have a listen, and let me know what you think! I enjoyed that: I like the bit of fret tapping about half way through (never have quite got the hang of that myself) and I'm a sucker for a Flying Vee too. Nice composition, really like the bit around 2:50, phrasing reminds me of Adrian Smiths style, probably my favourite lead guitarist.
Does it take you long to record parts you're happy with? everything sounds tight and well played. Whenever I try recording compositions it takes me hours to get down simple parts, then I end up using the first recording after multiple bad takes. Thanks man! Tapping really isnt hard, I learned it when I was still a beginner.Just have a friend teach you that and you`ll be good to go 
Thanks! I was actually thinking more of classic rock stuff soloing for inspiration, but guess my Maiden influence made it on this one as well lol.
It was pretty varied, the 2 voiced guitar - its no pedal, I recorded both voices and had to absolutely nail each one. Now I could have a great take, but miss a note or two and the take is gone. Pretty sure my neighbours didnt appreciate me playing the same riff for an hour lol.
For the main solo on the other hand, I took about 10 takes (said to myslef "today I finish this" lol) and ended up using the first one.
Normally if I cant nail something within 5 takes Ill just practice it more. That's a beautiful piece of work.
If I was played that for the first time and asked to guess the artist I would my put my money on Oldfield. To me the V's sound so much like his style. See, there's my problem, I could do with practising parts until I can actually play them. I have no patience, I want to hear what it sounds like, mix it down, then never go back to it again, bit of a one-take willy.
Great work with the harmonising guitars parts, hard enough getting one part down cleanly. Nothing worse then realising your doing a good take, forget what you're playing for a sec and start messing up. Nice variety of playing throughout, it would make a great opener for an album. Thanks! I have no idea who is Oldfield though.
lol I remember that episode, third season was awesome.
The patience is eventually worth it, I have a good friend I send over mid-recording demos that usually have a not-practiced-enough version of the solo. Anyways one day I checked out some of those recordings, and I could clearly hear how important those one-two weeks of practice were.
You dont have to be totally 100% on the spot, it just got to sound good.
Edit: For the album opener I was actually thinking more about this: Sure you do. The Tubular Bells fella.  Guess I do, then  I dont think I ever heard the full version though. Listenint to it now. Feel free to have a listen to my other solo tracks aswell at:
Solo Project Tracks - YouTube