Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:57

I don't know, the DT25 is obviously not as sexy as Nik's with the blue light, but it certainly grows on you.

Besides, you can overlook a lot when it sounds so good 

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:58

But there are many good sounding amps like Marshalls, Fenders, H&k, Vox. Size was more of a consideration for bedroom use I admit, but you know how highly I rated its sound. The looks killed it for me so it is a consideration.

My recent Marshall is much too big for my use, BUT, it looks so damn cool AND it's a MARSHALL.

Look at guitars, yes some sound so good, but you and I wouldn't spend a fortune on a black one 

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GloopyJon Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:58

I thought about the appearance, particularly since it was such a prominent factor on the guitar one (which I've updated and I'll post the new version later).I agree that it's a factor but I don't think it's anywhere near as important for an amp as it is for a guitar.However, you've prompted me to add it to the list of other factors at the bottom, thank you!

I agree that the DT25 isn't the prettiest amp out there but it doesn't offend my eyes and its primary purpose isn't for decoration.My ears like it, and since one of my eyes doesn't work properly, that's two votes against one! 

I'm thinking about other ideas for posters.I could do one on strings, or bass guitars (although there's not much to say as they all look and sound much the same), or on acoustic guitars, or effects pedals (possibly my next one), or what you need for recording, or maybe a follow-up to the amp one briefly covering the main brands and what their amps do.Any thoughts or other ideas?

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:58

Effects one be interesting.

I'm not saying DT25 doesn't look nice, designers and many others must think it's the best it could be. That's what's unique about personal choice. Be so boring if we all liked black, LOL. But it's probably the most popular single colour in a guitar. Mind you, 70 years ago it was most popular colour for cars!

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Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:58

"Fugly" was your exact word I believe 

Definitely not as important for an amp to look nice like a guitar, you can stick an amp out of view if want 

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:58

Sorry, what I meant was, whatever one person thinks doesn't make it true ;-)   
So, I or you can think something doesn't look nice, but that doesn't mean it isn't nice .... to someone else!

Everyonethinks their own babies are pretty, when in fact .... all babies are ugly!!!

Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:59

Exactly. Everyone thinks they have the prettiest wife at home 

I certainly wouldn't have gone for a DT25 on looks alone though 

GloopyJon Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:59

Here's the latest addition to the misty walls of my mythical guitar shop.Let me know what you think - have I missed anything out?Any corrections to the text?

Philly112 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:59

Just a quick comment Andrew on the Steve Howe avatar. It's great! One of my favourite players and have seen him many times, last one a few weeks ago.


Philly112 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:59

By the way, re amps. If anyone wants a clean sound, I cannot recommend these highly enough. They also look great. They're small, and VERY powerful. Expensive of course, but far far better than the Lunchbox Club I used to own.

Mambo Amp

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