Many listeners on here I had to listen to 150 arrangements of it when marking A-Level music technology last year. Probably not as good as the proper stuff though  artists do you listen to? Not really listening to any mate
Watched that spring breakers the other night so googled the tunes fromit and quite like some of them .
Have been listening to some on YouTube and some of it is pretty good .
Any artists I should be looking for ? Skrillix and Nero are what I listen to the most at the moment, there are a lot out there, but for me those two are at the top at the moment.
Skrillix -
Promises (done by Skrillix and Nero I believe)
Nero -
.... are amoung my fave. This guy has done a crazy ass electric guitar cover of Promises:
tris ill Gates..hes alright,.
The ill methodolgy
Opiuo.hes good too.