Publish time 25-11-2019 21:27:56
I did think of that, and I found a couple of websites that print what you want, but I felt I had to draw a line under the spending at some stage.I didn't know you could buy inkjet paper for that - it's good to know, but it's too late for this time because I've already done all of the lacquering.
I also forgot to put the serial number on the back of the headstock! 
Christian 71
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:27:56
You can always add it later it will probably work better if the surface has already been sanded.
I think the paper cost me 3 quid and the fixing spray about a fiver. The fender decal was abot 5 quid from the fleebay.
The costs add up don't they, but the experience is priceless 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:27:57
Photo time again!Nice and sunny today (when it isn't raining) so I took the opportunity to do some another mock-up of the finished guitar.First of all, the body and neck unattached...
And then the full guitar, with most of the bits resting in place (not screwed in or anything)...
And the back, showing the blue neck which I think goes rather well with the body!
And now I will have to choose which knobs to put on the final guitar.Do I use the original ones...
...or the blue chicken head knobs that I bought?
When I bought them, I thought the colours would be paler and the guitar would be a bit gaudier than it is.It would be a shame not to use them, in a way.Maybe I should put them on my PRS instead... 
Can't wait to get it assembled and playing now! 
Miss Mandy
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:27:58
That's come out really well Jon, the colour scheme really suits it. Personally I prefer the black knobs on it though. 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:00
Original knobs for sure, looks really nice
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:00
Agree, the originals. Others look odd.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:01
I like it, not so keen on the blue knobs though. If you're not sure about the originals then how about some chrome knurled Telecaster knobs for a bit of bling? They have a small set screw to hold them on so they should fit. I think the blue neck looks great against the 'burst body too. 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:02
Yes, the blue ones look wrong, unfortunately.This has turned out looking a lot classier than I expected - I thought it was going to look rather gaudy and awful, and the blue knobs would have fitted in, but sadly not! 'll fit the original ones and think about any replacements later - this is meant to be a project guitar that I do other things to afterwards; number one will probably be swapping the pickups, but I'll have to look out for a cheap secondhand pair of 'buckers because they are ridiculously expensive to buy new, IMO.
Or maybe I'll start again and build another guitar!If I did that, then I'd probably buy the individual components and go for higher quality parts, but that's not really in the plans at the moment.
I do need a second bass, though....
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:03
I've been looking at new humbucking pick ups myself for my 1995 Epi Les Paul. I've replaced all the electrics already so the pick ups are the last step. A friend lent me a DiMarzio 'zebra' pickup which sells for about £70 and it definitely sounds better than the standard Epi ones, but not quite what I'm after. I'm tempted to go for a pair of Bareknuckle 'Mules' but over £200 and I've got a few other things to pay for at the moment, one being my JV Strat which is hopefully ready soon from the refinish/fret job. 
I did see some secondhand Gibson '57s pick ups for sale on eBay, but they seemed a bit expensive...not sure whether any come up on here either as there isn't a specific 'instruments' sale section so they maybe get lost amongst the other stuff.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:28:04
Maybe if you try other guitar-related forums such as the Chapman one (Rob Chapman Forum or View Discussions and Categories on The Fretboard - both of these have for sale sections.